Aloe Vera

 Aloe vera is a thorny plant that originated from arid regions in Africa . This plant has been known and used since thousands of years ago because of the efficacy and the benefits are tremendous .

Aloe Vera Benefits and Benefits :

In addition to nourish hair , aloe vera also nutritious treat various diseases , such as strep throat , boils , rambur loss, hemorrhoids , red skin , chapped , chafed , diabetes mellitus , and heart attack . In addition to hemorrhoids , aloe vera also helps overcome constipation or difficult bowel movements because the tongue is fahit and containing laktasit thus serves as a good laxative . So far , there has not been empirically that said side effects of aloe vera . However , keep in mind , the nature of the aloe vera plant is almost similar to apples when discharged directly bitten brown . It could be a sign of aloe vera has been oxidized so that some substances it contains damaged .

Alone Vera / Aloe vera contains all vitamins except vitamin D , minerals required for the function of the enzyme , which functions as an antimicrobial saponins and 20 of the 22 types of amino acids . Alon vera can eliminate acne , moisturize the skin , detoxify the skin , scars and marks removal , reduce inflammation and repair and skin rejuvenation . With a variety of benefits contained in aloe vera , less than optimal utilization by people who just use it as a hair fertilizer .


If you have swollen gums , it certainly is not bad . Let alone for a meal, to speak only if not wanted . Similarly, if you are suffering from mouth ulcer or a sore tooth , it feels pissed . However , you do not need to worry if you are already suffering from swollen gums . Even if the gums are swollen with pus followed , you must remain calm . The disease is not a dangerous disease category . However , it is better if you treat it right immediately using a variety of traditional medicine . With swollen gums traditional medicinal herb that works like this , gum disease or you suffer certainly swollen gradually improved and will disappear by itself . Want to know what information is in the intent of traditional medicine ?

Here are some herbs and natural ingredients that are effective for the treatment of swollen gums traditionally :

1 . Betel leaf
Betel leaf is a natural antiseptic that has benefits to help cure gum swelling faster . This leaves apart easily obtained , are also very potent and efficacious to treat swollen gums . How to use : Take some betel leaves , wash thoroughly and boil until boiling . After the lukewarm , boiled water was used to rinse , 2-3 times a day .

2 . Chilli leaf Rawit
The leaves are also believed to be one of the natural remedy swollen gums potent . How to use it quite easy , grab some chili leaves , wash thoroughly and then squeezed / crushed into powder . After the mix with a few drops of water so a little watery . Then use the natural herbs as medicine outside on the cheeks are swollen .

2 In addition to the above materials , there are many other herbs that can be used to treat swollen gums . However , we do not write them all down due to the above is the most efficacious and potent . For maximum results , 2 natural ingredients above can be combined as a single as a mouthwash , and the latter serves as an external medicine .

However , if your gums are still swollen and does not go away , you better consult a doctor immediately subscriptions . This is the last way to avoid things that are not in want . So first we post this evening . Hopefully articles about drug swollen gums above the super potent beneficial .