Basically there must be a cure every disease except for an old disease . So roughly a statement said , but the name of the treatment depends on our Efforts in Obtaining healing itself . If you are in attacking the disease is not too severe does not hurt to use a variety of herbal medicinal concoction derived from plants that may exist around your home . Here are some recipes to treat the disease beberpa :
1 . Lowering fever , cough , and runny nose
Grate the onion , add the oil Telon , then smeared on the back to the Buttocks while slightly massaged . Also navel and crown . For herb drink : coconut water one cup plus 1 teaspoon of honey , stir , then steamed . Once cool , give the child as much as 3 teaspoons every 2 hours . This herb is given to babies 8 months upwards . When a child under the age of 8 months , simply by breastfeeding or mothers who drink the potion .
In children who are a bit large , use the herb turmeric drink of water and honey . Half to one vertebra turmeric finger roomates is cleaner burned , scraped skin , shredded , and then given a lukewarm water 1/2 cup , wring it out , and then precipitated . Mix turmeric parts water without sediment with a whisk 1 egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of honey , and then fed to the child . This herb can be for lowering the heat like the chicken pox , flu , or whatever .
2 . abdominal bloating
Grate the onion and add the oil Telon . Tapelkan then the grated onion that has been at the navel . Can also , use jatropha leaves are heated . Spread with coconut oil , Gyre - Gyre , then put on the navel of the child .
3 . diarrhea
Provide half the turmeric finger is clean burnt , dismembered , 7 guava leaf , 2 cups water , and salt 1/4 teaspoon , simmer . Drinking water , 1 teaspoon once an hour . To expel gas , the umbilical ditapeli with grated onion that has been given Telon oil . For kids who are a little large , perhaps with a subtle chew guava leaf that is clean plus salt and swallowed .
4 . Puke - vomit
Vomiting can be by the caused by nausea or abdominal bloating . Provide 1/2 teaspoon coriander , cardamom 3 eggs , 5 grains of black fennel , and half a glass of water . Then boiled . Once cool , give it to a little child , as often as possible or 2 hours . Rice may also be made water kencur . The trick , wash 1 tablespoon of rice and soaked for a while . Toast the rice until lightly browned , then finely ground together with 1 kencur knuckle , knuckle turmeric 1 , and 1/4 teaspoon anise . After it is brewed with hot water , add brown sugar , a little salt , and tamarind . Strain , then drenched in a child so that his body warm .
5 . cough
Provide lime juice 1 tablespoon plus 2 tablespoons honey and 2 tablespoons lukewarm water . Enter the cup and steamed . After a rather cold , Drinks at the child as much as 1-2 teaspoons . Give a day 5 times .
6 . Hundred days cough
Provide lote upas bulbs at half thumb that is clean , grated and brewed with hot water , then stir and chill . Strain and add a little honey . Drink it down . Make this mixture 3 times a day . Can also use aloe vera herb . Aloe vera peeled and grab the meat as much as two fingers , then shredded . Add warm water and honey , then drenched in a child 1-2 times a day .
7 . Because of the difficult cough or phlegm out wind
Provide 1 shredded red onions , grated ginger 1 vertebra finger and squeezed the water , 7 grains of anise , 1 knuckle turmeric grated and squeezed the water , 1 tablespoon lemon juice , and 1/2 cup water . Put all the ingredients in the cup , then steamed and then strain . Drink 3 times a day each 2 tsp.
8.Batuk slimy
Combine water 1 tablespoon ginger , turmeric 1 tablespoon water , 1 clove of grated garlic , 1 tablespoon lemon juice , 1 tablespoon honey , and 3 tablespoons of lukewarm water , then steamed . Drunk 3-4 times a day 2 tsp.
9 . cold
Prepare the grated onion , then tapelkan the seventh cervical vertebrae ( neck part) and the crown of the child after previously oiled eucalyptus oil . You can also warm beverages , such as rice drinks kencur . In addition , children basking in the sun in the morning around 7 or below at 9 am . Heat a quarter of an hour the chest and then back a quarter of an hour . This can be done while the roads in the morning .
10.Mata bintitan
Take the sap of the plant stem or sap of patikan kebo meniran tree trunk . Attach a little on the cotton , then apply on bintitnya , just a little , do not get in eyes .
Red 11.Mata
Put 3 pieces of betel leaves , washed clean in the container bowl . Brewed with hot water . Once the water is cold , ask the child to blink his eyes in the water .
12 . thrush
Take a ripe tomato , brewed with hot water and peel the skin . Puree the tomatoes with a spoon , strain and add a little sugar . Give children the tomato juice beverages .
13.Tak appetite
According Endah , the loss can be by the caused Nafu eating worms or something else like a cold . The fix , clean the leaves of Jatropha 1 , after it warmed Briefly on the lid of the pot . Give a smear of oil on the leaves and twisted , then paste the leaves above the navel son , who had previously been smeared with oil Telon .
When the age of the child is more than a year , try to give the herb 1 papaya leaf palms , knuckles Intersection 1 black / ireng , seruas fingers rotten tempeh ( soybean cake yesterday ) , and a little salt . All material is finely ground , then squeeze disposable cloth and insert it into the child 's mouth. " Efficacy of black meeting to remove the worm , while papaya leaves to add to their appetite , and tempeh bosok stamina or strength to his body .
To add to a child 's appetite may also potions : 1 knuckle of ginger , brown sugar , enough water , and a little salt , then boiled and filtered . Drinks in children 1-2 tablespoons a day .
14 . nosebleed
Betel leaf is washed twisted and stuffed into the child 's nose . For the treatment of the body do with the ingredients : 1/2 thumbs lote upas bulbs that are clean shredded and brewed with 1 cup hot water , then filtered , and after cold drunk to children plus a little honey .
15 . Lump from impact
Soak 1 tablespoon rice . Powder mashed together and give a little salt . After a smooth , paste it onto the bump section .
Could also be given ingredient : shredded garlic and herb given: grated garlic and honey were given , after roomates it was applied to the lump .
16 . sweat buntet
Frequently powdered starch .
17 . Congekan
Rinse 3 miana leaves or 7 leaves fresh samiloto or pink ginger , then finely crushed . Use a clean cloth and wring the water drops into the ear feelings . Do it twice a day , each with 3 drops .
18 . Panu
Two fingers Langkuas shredded red and given a little vinegar , smear - dab in the morning and afternoon or evening at the berpanu body part .
19 . Sores or ulcers head
Brotowali stem is cut by 5 fingers . Boiled with a little water , apply on the head .
Could also be given herb : brotowali leaves , turmeric and a little grated finely ground salt . Apply to the head . May also only with turmeric alone .
20 . sore teeth
Grated garlic , add a little salt , then stopper to the aching tooth Because of the holes .
21 . bitten by mosquitoes
Eliminate bite marks with a bitter plant Knead and rubbed into the bite portion . If nobody can use citronella oil bitter .
22 . asthma
Ten garlic cloves grated , plus 1 cup honey , then steamed . Give the child as much as 1 teaspoon , twice a day . It could also , 10 cloves of grated garlic , 1 ounce of sugar cubes , boiled with 1 cup water .
23 . Wound - bleeding Wounds
Rinse guava leaves or leaf bandotan , then Knead . Tapelkan on the wound . Blood will stop soon .
24 . poisoned
Young green coconut water drink 3 times a day 1/4 cup .
25 . Urticaria or chilblains
Telon body smeared with oil , eucalyptus oil or oil wasps . To drink potions : 1 finger of ginger cut into pieces , put a little brown sugar , and salt with 1 cup of boiling water . Strain and cool when already drunk 3 times a day 1/4 cup
Sprouts |
So far we are and most people are only familiar with bean sprouts as a food that can increase fertility . But who would have thought , apparently based on the results of a recent study showing that states that atu bean sprouts also have efficacy as a traditional remedy for various diseases . Among them was a stroke , cancer and osteoporosis . Therefore, it is better to prevent stroke with bean sprouts .
On the daily menu , bean sprouts used to be part of a variety of fine dining soto , gado - gado , filling out the content or type of food cooked with other vegetables . There are several kinds of sprouts , such as mung bean sprouts , soy bean sprouts , bean sprouts moyashi , and alfalfa sprouts . Mung bean sprouts and soy is much we know . Moyashi sprouts are sprouts of Japan , looks like mung bean sprouts but its roots are larger and crisper taste . Whereas alfalfa sprouts resemble a kind of delicate leafy green buds with crisp and fresh taste . In addition to the good taste too medicinal , hence the consumption of bean sprouts to the menu maskan you , but that you can prevent stroke with bean sprouts this is not a good start for our health .
An Institute of Food Research ( IFR ) in England found in bean sprouts and cabbage there is a very potent substance to reduce the risk of colon cancer . This substance proven to kill malignant cells cause colon cancer as well as to stop its spread . To avoid colon cancer , consumption of bean sprouts should be 2 to 3 times a week .
Also in the bean sprouts have more vitamins than the form of seeds . During germination , vitamin B levels increased 2.5 to 3-fold . Likewise, vitamin E , an increase of 24-230 mg per 100 grams of dry beans to 117-662 mg per 100 grams of sprouts . Vitamin C is not contained in soybean seeds , begin to form on the first day of germination up to 12 mg per 100 grams after 48 hours .
Increased vitamin B1 ( thiamin ) , B2 ( riboflavin ) , B3 ( niacin ) , pyridoxine , biotin also occur during the process of germination . The process of germination also increase the content of vitamin E ( tocopherol ) is real . Vitamin E has a function , among others, to improve fertility ( fertility ) . That's why couples who wanted to have children is highly recommended to consume sprouts .
If you want to get beautiful skin , bean sprouts , cheap price was very right to be selected because it contains a lot of vitamin E.
This vitamin is popular with its ability to nourish the skin since it contains antioxidants that protect cells from free radical attack .
People with risk of stroke and heart attack caused by many blood fat levels soar , it is recommended to eat more sprouts . This is due , in saponin sprouts will destroy a bad fat ( LDL ) without disturbing the good fat ( HDL ) . And saponins which can be obtained in large alfalfa sprouts when the grain to sprout , which generally saponinnya levels rose 450 percent .
Vegetable sprouts also called the richest food enzymes , estimated to number 100 times higher than the enzyme in fruit and vegetables . Natural estrogen contained in sprouts is very beneficial for women . Eating habits sprouts help women avoid breast cancer , premenstrual disorders ( premenstrual syndrome / PMS ) , as well as the disruption caused by menopause . Estrogen in sprouts can significantly increase bone density , bone structure and prevent the rottenness of the bones .
So many benefits that can be of vegetable sprouts in this , it would be nice if from now on you put the bean sprouts to the list of menus and dishes you do not need every day just two or three days , in addition to the vegetables is very suitable for those of you who bleed high so that you can prevent a stroke with the bean sprouts . May be useful .
Never felt heartburn ? If ever , of the pain is not playing . Besides stomach knotted , ulcer disease is usually accompanied by abdominal bloating , pain in the gut , hard tahak / burp when satiety and also dizziness or headaches . Furthermore , heartburn sufferers also experience a decrease in appetite . Broadly speaking , ulcer diseases can occur due to an interruption in the stomach where gastric acid levels are high enough . Cause of heartburn can be a wide range, but most often it is due to irregular eating patterns , often staying up late , drinking coffee addiction , stress and others. For traditional healing , the people of Indonesia had several famous ulcer drug itself is quite powerful . Perhaps most visitors already know a lot about traditional medicines potent ulcer disease , but there is no harm if the herb reviewed again .
One natural prescription ulcer drug best known by Indonesian people are consuming turmeric water . Scientifically , research on turmeric has been done from 1953 . And the results , absolutely incredible for being able to accelerate the wound healing process in the stomach akib heartburn . In fact , the ekseperimen conducted on animals such as rabbits and mice , the process is increased by approximately 24 % . In addition , turmeric water is also believed to neutralize and reduce stomach acid and treat infections of the mucous membrane of the stomach . Does not end there , turmeric is also beneficial for relieving pain due to irritation of the mucous membranes and reduce pain caused by muscle spasms stomach wall .
Below are some natural ingredients that can be used as a traditional medicinal herb ulcer following a powerful way of its use .
1 . turmeric
Take two sections of turmeric after it peeled and then wash thoroughly . Turmeric is already clean then grated and squeezed for juice taken with the help of lukewarm water . The turmeric juice drink 2 times a day morning and afternoon . Within a few days could definitely feel his usefulness .
2 . aloe vera
Aloe vera is known also good for the treatment of heartburn because it contains resins , polysaccharides , tannins emodin and aloin . In addition , a substance contained in Aloctin aloe vera is also able to inhibit gastric acid secretion . How to use : Take 1 stick of aloe vera which is rather large . Peel the skin to stay a little mucus and wash thoroughly . After that just eaten . If you do not dare to taste the bitterness , can jga in a blender and then swallowed .
3 . plantain
The fruit is able to protect the mucous membranes caused by increased stomach acid because it contains antitukak peptic . How to use : choose bananas that are old but not yet ripe . Cut the banana into small chips resemble . Drying the pieces with aerated . Once dry , blender or mash until it looks like flour . How to consume enough mix 2 tablespoons of powder with honey banana flavored drink in the morning and evening .
4 . goat milk
For the treatment of ulcers , drinking a glass of goat's milk regularly because milk goat has a base that can neutralize stomach acid superfluous .
5 . cassava
How to use : Grate the sweet potatoes that have been peeled and washed thoroughly . Squeeze the grated until there are deposits of cider / starch . The precipitate eat regularly in the morning and afternoon .
6 . Green beans
Green beans are also very useful for the treatment of heartburn because it can thicken the lining of the stomach . In addition , it can also neutralize excess stomach acid levels . How to consume enough food homemade green bean porridge without milk . Try not to cook it too long . Eating porridge in the morning and evening routine .
That bit of information about traditional medicinal herbs potent ulcer can we say now. The most important fact is to maintain a healthy lifestyle so that no ulcer disease . But if you are already sick , please do not hesitate to try a traditional medicinal herb potent and efficacious ulcer above . Anyone know the pain of a speedy recovery . Lastly, if your heartburn persists , get medical attention. Regards and see you .
One natural prescription ulcer drug best known by Indonesian people are consuming turmeric water . Scientifically , research on turmeric has been done from 1953 . And the results , absolutely incredible for being able to accelerate the wound healing process in the stomach akib heartburn . In fact , the ekseperimen conducted on animals such as rabbits and mice , the process is increased by approximately 24 % . In addition , turmeric water is also believed to neutralize and reduce stomach acid and treat infections of the mucous membrane of the stomach . Does not end there , turmeric is also beneficial for relieving pain due to irritation of the mucous membranes and reduce pain caused by muscle spasms stomach wall .
Below are some natural ingredients that can be used as a traditional medicinal herb ulcer following a powerful way of its use .
1 . turmeric
Take two sections of turmeric after it peeled and then wash thoroughly . Turmeric is already clean then grated and squeezed for juice taken with the help of lukewarm water . The turmeric juice drink 2 times a day morning and afternoon . Within a few days could definitely feel his usefulness .
2 . aloe vera
Aloe vera is known also good for the treatment of heartburn because it contains resins , polysaccharides , tannins emodin and aloin . In addition , a substance contained in Aloctin aloe vera is also able to inhibit gastric acid secretion . How to use : Take 1 stick of aloe vera which is rather large . Peel the skin to stay a little mucus and wash thoroughly . After that just eaten . If you do not dare to taste the bitterness , can jga in a blender and then swallowed .
3 . plantain
The fruit is able to protect the mucous membranes caused by increased stomach acid because it contains antitukak peptic . How to use : choose bananas that are old but not yet ripe . Cut the banana into small chips resemble . Drying the pieces with aerated . Once dry , blender or mash until it looks like flour . How to consume enough mix 2 tablespoons of powder with honey banana flavored drink in the morning and evening .
4 . goat milk
For the treatment of ulcers , drinking a glass of goat's milk regularly because milk goat has a base that can neutralize stomach acid superfluous .
5 . cassava
How to use : Grate the sweet potatoes that have been peeled and washed thoroughly . Squeeze the grated until there are deposits of cider / starch . The precipitate eat regularly in the morning and afternoon .
6 . Green beans
Green beans are also very useful for the treatment of heartburn because it can thicken the lining of the stomach . In addition , it can also neutralize excess stomach acid levels . How to consume enough food homemade green bean porridge without milk . Try not to cook it too long . Eating porridge in the morning and evening routine .
That bit of information about traditional medicinal herbs potent ulcer can we say now. The most important fact is to maintain a healthy lifestyle so that no ulcer disease . But if you are already sick , please do not hesitate to try a traditional medicinal herb potent and efficacious ulcer above . Anyone know the pain of a speedy recovery . Lastly, if your heartburn persists , get medical attention. Regards and see you .
Coconut |
Water from young coconuts is already very popular with a variety of properties and benefits. Not only green coconut water , coconut water , but almost all have tremendous benefits . Broadly speaking , the coconut tree is a palm plant category with the Latin name Cocos Nucifera . Leaves of a palm tree frond supported by a stick sheet on each strand . As for the coconut fruit itself , encased by two layers of thick fibers and a hard shell . To enjoy the meat and the coconut water , the skin should be peeled first.
Before discussing more about the benefits and efficacy of coconut water , it helps us know what the content is outstanding in coconut meat .
1 . Old coconut meat , calories as 359kal/100gram .
2 . Old half coconut meat , 180kal/100gram calories .
3 . Water content was 95.5 gram/100gram coconuts .
4 . Flashing water content of vitamin : Vitamin C , protein , potassium , fat , calcium and carbohydrate .
5 . Other Ingredients : anti venom enzyme .
6 . Calories general of oil types : 17kal/100gram .
7 . Mineral content of coconut water : glucose , iron and phosphorus .
Coconut meat also has a lot of benefits and efficacy . Them for poisoning , dandruff , dental pain , heartburn, influenza , fever , urinary stones and dengue fever .
Meanwhile , coconut water has a solids content of 4.7 % , 2.6 % sugar , 0.55 % protein , 0.74 % fat and 0.46 % minerals .
Benefits and Health Benefits of Young Coconut For Humans
Treat dengue . The trick is to drink coconut water on a regular basis .
Eliminating fatigue and lethargy due to fatigue .
Treating intestinal worms in children .
How to drink young coconut water that has been mixed with lime juice on a regular basis , 3 times a day .
Kill the worms in the intestine .
Adding fluid to pregnant people .
Treating people drunk / intoxication .
Reduce nausea and want to vomit .
Able to soften the water flashing kidney stones if taken regularly of his youth .
In addition to various properties and benefits as mentioned above , coconuts still has a myriad uses for human health . However , due to limited information , we can not serve it all this time . Hopefully this brief article , visitors can understand how properties of young coconut water is amazing. And so may be useful. Wassalam .
Star Fruit |
Bleeding gums heal Wuluh starfruit Consuming Carambola fruit either fresh or candied wuluh regularly every day . Two Carambola Starfruit wuluh eaten every day Wuluh as Drug Mumps half handheld starfruit leaves pounded with garlic 3 . Compress the part and mumps . 10 young twigs following starfruit leaves and 4 red onions after washed and finely ground . Apply some place sick . Starfruit Wuluh as rheumatism medicine . Handful of leaves starfruit washed mash until smooth add whiting rub it into the sick . 100 gr of young leaves starfruit 10 clove seeds and 15 seeds are washed and finely ground pepper add vinegar as appropriate until a dough like mush . Spread batter was some place sick gruel . 5 pieces starfruit leaves 8 magnolia ( Michelia Champaca L. ) seeds 15 cloves 15 grains of black pepper washed and finely ground kneaded with 2 tablespoons lime juice and 1 tablespoon of eucalyptus oil . For use rubbing and massaging sore parts of the body . Do it 2-3 times a day . Starfruit medicine Sprue 10 Wuluh as starfruit flowers tamarind simmered with brown sugar 3 cups of water until the water 3/4 filtered drinking 2 times a day . Se handheld flowers starfruit sugar and 1 cup water sufficiently boiled until thick . After chilling filtered used for cleaning and greasing mouth sores . 2/3 handheld flowers starfruit washed and boiled with 3 cups water until remaining 2 1/4 cups . After chilling filtered and drunk 3 times a day 3/4 cup . 3 pieces starfruit 3 red onions 1 reply nutmeg young thrush leaves 10 3/4 teaspoon fennel 3/4 finger pulosari washed and finely crushed with 3 tablespoons of coconut oil is squeezed and then filtered . Used For greasing the wounds caused by canker sores 6-7 times a day . Starfruit Wuluh as Toothache Medication . Five fruit starfruit after washed chewed with salt . Repeat several times until the pain disappeared . Starfruit Wuluh as medicine sore pains . One handheld starfruit leaves his young 10 seeds 15 peppercorns cloves finely and add vinegar to taste . Leatherback sick smear some place Relievers Wuluh as ringworm , Ten fruit starfruit washed and finely ground for whiting add tamarind seeds kneaded until smooth . For this potion used skin brushing skin fungus that attacked . Apply 2 times a day
Kencur |
Powder is a Javanese term for rhizome type of call , if the people of Aceh called Ceuko , its scientific name is Kaempferia galangal . He was among relatives of gingers ( Zingiberaceae gamilia ) , so it's still his brother kencur , ginger , locks , and so on . Like his brother , the other name is still a brother, kencur has similarities here and there without stem growth and form rhizomes in the ground . The rhizome is the most important part of the body , because profits . Powder plant can live anywhere, as long as the soil loose and fertile , with a little shady . By refining the process of kencur will produce essential oils , Based on laboratory analysis , volatile oil in kencur contains more than 23 kinds of compounds . Seven of which contain aromatic compounds , monoterpena , and sesquiterpene . Chemical constituents present in kencur are : starch ( 4.14 % ) minerals ( 13.73 % ) astiri oil ( 0.02 % ) in the form of metal acid sineol kanil penta independence cinnamic acid ethyl aster sinamic acid borneol kamphene paraeumarin anisic acid alkaloids , and gums with the chemical substances that are used as drugs , here's how to use kencur based disease that can be overcome : Influenza in Infants Ingredients: 1 kencur rhizome for thumb and two leaves cubeb ( pepper caudate / cubeb ) . How to serve : the ingredients are finely ground , then add a few tablespoons of warm water . How to use : applied around each nose . Headaches Composition : 2-3 saffron leaves . How to serve : kencur leaves until finely ground . How to use : applied ( as compress / pilis ) on the forehead . Sprains Ingredients: 1 piece kencur and rice that has been soaked in water . How to serve : the ingredients are finely ground and given sufficient water . How to use : applied / rubbed on the part of the sprain as a powder . Eliminate tired Ingredients: 1 large rhizome of kencur , 2 tablespoons rice fried without oil (couple ) and 1 red chilli seeds . How to serve : all the ingredients are boiled together with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup , and then filtered How to use : drink as well and repeated until healed . For men can be coupled with 1 piece of ginger and pepper powder to taste . Stomach Inflammation Ingredients: 2 rhizome of kencur for thumb . How to serve : kencur, peeled and chewed thoroughly . How to use : swallow the water , the waste is dumped , then drink 1 glass of water , and repeated until healed . A cough . Ingredients: 1 kencur rhizome of thumb and salt to taste . How to serve : grated kencur , were then added 1 cup of warm water , squeezed and filtered . Search using : drink with added salt to taste . b . Ingredients: 1 kencur rhizome of thumb . How to serve : kencur, peeled and chewed thoroughly . How to use : water is swallowed , the waste is disposed . Routinely done every morning . Streamlining Menstruation Ingredients: 2 kencur rhizome of thumb , 1 trengguli leaves , 1 clove old fruit seeds , fennel pulawaras taste . How to serve : chopped kencur , then mixed with other ingredients and boil together with 3 cups water to boil down to 2 cups , then filtered . How to use : drink 2 cups once a day .
Lemon juice has many benefits . Besides being a refreshing drink , a fruit that has been consumed for thousands of years ago could also prevent the passage and cure various diseases . Indeed, there are so many oranges , tangerines among other things , sweet orange , lemon , orange sauce , lemon , mandarin oranges , and many others . However , in terms of benefits no one who matched lime . Lime is a herbaceous plant with many branches . Height can reach six feet . The leaves are egg-shaped and stemmed . White star -shaped flowers . Woody stem is hard and usually bear fruit after 2.5 years . The fruit is round with a smooth surface , thin-skinned , and green and yellow if it is old . This plant is thought to have come from north Indian region . Lime fruit contains a lot of water and vitamin C are high . Leaves , fruits , and flowers , flying ointment containing limonin and linalool . Lime usually grow well in lowland areas much sun . Communities residing in the Netherlands , especially in big cities such as Amsterdam , The Hague , and Rotterdam , have known the benefits of lemon juice since several centuries ago . Similarly, people in the United States . They began to recognize the benefits of lemon juice since ancient Indian times . Ohio State Biotechnology Center in the city of Columbus , Ohio , USA , has done research on lime . The result , lime juice is rich in vitamins and contains a number of minerals . Lemon lime efficacious is still fresh , thin-skinned , and green and yellow . In addition to fruits , roots , leaves , and flowers lime is often used as a medicine . According to Dr. Prapti Utami , lime fruit contains several substances that are beneficial to the body , inter alia , citric acid , glucose , fats , essential oils , vitamin C , calcium , phosphorus , sulfur , and amino acids . "Much of the content contained in the lime juice makes this fruit is widely used as a medicine , Essential oils of lime leaves can inhibit the growth of staphylococcus aureus (the bacteria on the skin ) . Lime juice can be used as a mouthwash in patients with sore throat . Smell the scent makes delicious , savory when we gargle . Her skin , when held in the mouth , can scent or reduce mouth odor and resolve inflammation because it contains acids that can kill germs . Due to a variety of oil content and substance in it, lime is also used to overcome dysentery , constipation , hemorrhoids , irregular menstruation , diphtheria , acne , headache or vertigo , hoarseness , cough , body odor , increase appetite , prevent hair loss, dandruff , flu , fever , too fat , tonsils , disease (painful urination ) , nosebleeds , and inflammation of the nose .
Cloves are the dried flower buds of the clove tree is generated , clove tree grows in many tropical regions , Indonesia is known as one of the producers of cloves . Many crops produced in the Moluccas . Clove today largely utilized for flavoring food while utilization for health has been known for centuries . In China cloves are used to eliminate bad breath over 2000 years ago , at the time when the Emperor to advise people want to see him have to chew cloves in advance so that when the talk will smell fragrant . Even cloves in China and Persia are also thought to stimulate sexual vitality . Cloves are very strong efficacious drug because it can stimulate . Anti- bacterial , anti- viral and anti- septic . Once processed into Clove oil can be used for pain relief for tooth pain sufferers because it contains compounds contained therein can help blood circulation and stimulates the skin when applied directly to the skin . Herewith informed several benefits Clove for treatment , among others . Aromatic stimulate breathing : Used to treat nausea , vomiting , abdominal bloating , fatigue and indigestion . Clove oil can also be used as a powerful disinfectant and wound healing as well as to relieve throat . Cloves are used as a real drug used to protect them from colds and flatulence . Helps stimulate blood circulation and regulate body temperature . Indigestion : Clove can stimulate the production of enzymatic and improve digestive functioning . Cloves are used in dealing with stomach problems , stomach pain and digestive problems . As for how to make drugs to treat vomiting , abdominal pain and throat is mixed with honey and cloves soften and then drunk . Cholera : Cloves are very powerful to cope with cholera because it can strengthen the intestinal and gastric mucus and increase the number of white blood , as for how to take 4 grams of bud cloves and 3 cups of water and boiled until it becomes half. Asthma : For treatment of asthma medication how to take florets 6 cloves mixed with 30 ml of water and a little honey , do it 3 times a day . Toothache : To resolve a toothache how to use Toast 10 grains of cloves until charred . Grind until smooth , fill cavities to taste , then cover with cotton . Apply 2 times a day . Another way : stoppers perforated teeth with cotton that has been soaked clove oil . Ear pain : how to cope with a dab of clove oil for sore ears using cotton . Headaches : To overcome the headache how to mix cloves , salt and milk , because of the nature of the salt to absorb fluids and lowering blood pressure . Blood Circulation : Clove oil is useful for increasing your metabolism , by increasing blood circulation to lower body temperature .
Garlic ( Allium sativum ) is an annual herb that has a height of about 60 cm . This plant is widely grown in the fields in the mountainous area gets enough sunlight . Pseudo-stem and the stem is green . The bottom is joined into large white bulbs . Each leather-wrapped cloves sliced thin and if it smells very sharp . Ribbon-shaped leaves ( flat aft ) , flat edge , pointed tip , grooved , length 60 cm and width 1.5 cm . Fibrous roots . The flowers are white , long-stemmed and umbrella shape . Garlic can be used for the treatment of the following alternatives : a. Garlic Flu and Cough . Sulfur contained in garlic makes it has a distinctive smell and taste may improve and accelerate activities in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract , which helps relieve compression and mucus . Raw Garlic contains phytochemicals that may help kill bacteria and viruses that cause disease . How do I use it ? Eat as much garlic as soon as you feel pain or add garlic in cooking . You can also make a cough medicine with this recipe : Mash garlic and input into the cold milk in a saucepan , and heat about 1-2 minutes , and drink warm . b . Garlic and Cholesterol There are now more than 12 studies published worldwide that ensure that the various forms of garlic can lower cholesterol . Therefore , it can be concluded that garlic can cure high blood pressure , heart disease . One study published in " The Journal of The Royal College of Physicians " by CS Silagy and Neil HAW in 1994 mentioned that garlic is an agent for reducing fat . The author states that garlic supplements is the most important part in the healing of high cholesterol . According to him , on the whole , a decrease of 12 % of the total cholesterol . This decrease occurred after 4 weeks of treatment c . Garlic and Onions Cancer also has content for fighting cancer , especially cancer of the stomach and colon . Organosulfida contained in garlic helps the liver process the toxic chemical compounds , including chemical compounds that cause cancer several epidemiological studies show that people who consume a lot of garlic lower risk of stomach and colon cancer . To ensure that you will get maximum results , researchers from Penn State University recommends to let the first piece of onion or a collision for at least 10 minutes , giving the onions time to form the contents that help fight cancer .
Enteric disease is a disease that attacks the human digestive tract, especially the colon. Therefore, in addition advisable to get plenty of rest, patients with this disease are also forbidden to eat foods that contain lots of fiber and rough. If it is violated, it will cause more severe intestinal work, so that will add to severe illness.
To cure this disease, look for leaves nasty shard, which is a kind of soft stemmed plants that often grow on bushes.
As for how to make the potion is:
1. Pluck the strings skillfully kejibeling the fresh leaves roughly 20 sheets.
2. Then wash clean, then boil with 2 liters of clean water to a boil.
3. When it boils, let it first until approximately 4 hours. Then remove from the fire and let cool.
4. Drink this mixture to the patient every day 2 times, in the morning and afternoon. When done regularly, insha Allah, the disease will be cured.
To cure this disease, look for leaves nasty shard, which is a kind of soft stemmed plants that often grow on bushes.
As for how to make the potion is:
1. Pluck the strings skillfully kejibeling the fresh leaves roughly 20 sheets.
2. Then wash clean, then boil with 2 liters of clean water to a boil.
3. When it boils, let it first until approximately 4 hours. Then remove from the fire and let cool.
4. Drink this mixture to the patient every day 2 times, in the morning and afternoon. When done regularly, insha Allah, the disease will be cured.
Lung disease is a serious illness that includes quite difficult and takes a long time to heal . No wonder that must require great expense to save the patient from the dangers of the disease . Because the lung is one of the important organs for human survival , then so do you feel any signs of abnormalities in your lungs , then immediately to resolve it . And one of them is to follow the instructions below :
Look for plants / trees ciplukan , which is one trunked plants for soft round fruit and covered in some sort of lizard eggs handfuls . This plant usually grows around the bush or the fields - fields . When you've got , you pull along the roots then wash. After that you cut the roots , stems and leaves , then boiled with water until boiling .
Drink it when it is cold every day 3 times the dose to drink 1 cup . Do it for 6 consecutive months . It's quite long , but for the salvation of your soul then it should be done with patience .
Look for plants / trees ciplukan , which is one trunked plants for soft round fruit and covered in some sort of lizard eggs handfuls . This plant usually grows around the bush or the fields - fields . When you've got , you pull along the roots then wash. After that you cut the roots , stems and leaves , then boiled with water until boiling .
Drink it when it is cold every day 3 times the dose to drink 1 cup . Do it for 6 consecutive months . It's quite long , but for the salvation of your soul then it should be done with patience .
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