Basically there must be a cure every disease except for an old disease . So roughly a statement said , but the name of the treatment depends on our Efforts in Obtaining healing itself . If you are in attacking the disease is not too severe does not hurt to use a variety of herbal medicinal concoction derived from plants that may exist around your home . Here are some recipes to treat the disease beberpa :
1 . Lowering fever , cough , and runny nose
Grate the onion , add the oil Telon , then smeared on the back to the Buttocks while slightly massaged . Also navel and crown . For herb drink : coconut water one cup plus 1 teaspoon of honey , stir , then steamed . Once cool , give the child as much as 3 teaspoons every 2 hours . This herb is given to babies 8 months upwards . When a child under the age of 8 months , simply by breastfeeding or mothers who drink the potion .
In children who are a bit large , use the herb turmeric drink of water and honey . Half to one vertebra turmeric finger roomates is cleaner burned , scraped skin , shredded , and then given a lukewarm water 1/2 cup , wring it out , and then precipitated . Mix turmeric parts water without sediment with a whisk 1 egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of honey , and then fed to the child . This herb can be for lowering the heat like the chicken pox , flu , or whatever .
2 . abdominal bloating
Grate the onion and add the oil Telon . Tapelkan then the grated onion that has been at the navel . Can also , use jatropha leaves are heated . Spread with coconut oil , Gyre - Gyre , then put on the navel of the child .
3 . diarrhea
Provide half the turmeric finger is clean burnt , dismembered , 7 guava leaf , 2 cups water , and salt 1/4 teaspoon , simmer . Drinking water , 1 teaspoon once an hour . To expel gas , the umbilical ditapeli with grated onion that has been given Telon oil . For kids who are a little large , perhaps with a subtle chew guava leaf that is clean plus salt and swallowed .
4 . Puke - vomit
Vomiting can be by the caused by nausea or abdominal bloating . Provide 1/2 teaspoon coriander , cardamom 3 eggs , 5 grains of black fennel , and half a glass of water . Then boiled . Once cool , give it to a little child , as often as possible or 2 hours . Rice may also be made water kencur . The trick , wash 1 tablespoon of rice and soaked for a while . Toast the rice until lightly browned , then finely ground together with 1 kencur knuckle , knuckle turmeric 1 , and 1/4 teaspoon anise . After it is brewed with hot water , add brown sugar , a little salt , and tamarind . Strain , then drenched in a child so that his body warm .
5 . cough
Provide lime juice 1 tablespoon plus 2 tablespoons honey and 2 tablespoons lukewarm water . Enter the cup and steamed . After a rather cold , Drinks at the child as much as 1-2 teaspoons . Give a day 5 times .
6 . Hundred days cough
Provide lote upas bulbs at half thumb that is clean , grated and brewed with hot water , then stir and chill . Strain and add a little honey . Drink it down . Make this mixture 3 times a day . Can also use aloe vera herb . Aloe vera peeled and grab the meat as much as two fingers , then shredded . Add warm water and honey , then drenched in a child 1-2 times a day .
7 . Because of the difficult cough or phlegm out wind
Provide 1 shredded red onions , grated ginger 1 vertebra finger and squeezed the water , 7 grains of anise , 1 knuckle turmeric grated and squeezed the water , 1 tablespoon lemon juice , and 1/2 cup water . Put all the ingredients in the cup , then steamed and then strain . Drink 3 times a day each 2 tsp.
8.Batuk slimy
Combine water 1 tablespoon ginger , turmeric 1 tablespoon water , 1 clove of grated garlic , 1 tablespoon lemon juice , 1 tablespoon honey , and 3 tablespoons of lukewarm water , then steamed . Drunk 3-4 times a day 2 tsp.
9 . cold
Prepare the grated onion , then tapelkan the seventh cervical vertebrae ( neck part) and the crown of the child after previously oiled eucalyptus oil . You can also warm beverages , such as rice drinks kencur . In addition , children basking in the sun in the morning around 7 or below at 9 am . Heat a quarter of an hour the chest and then back a quarter of an hour . This can be done while the roads in the morning .
10.Mata bintitan
Take the sap of the plant stem or sap of patikan kebo meniran tree trunk . Attach a little on the cotton , then apply on bintitnya , just a little , do not get in eyes .
Red 11.Mata
Put 3 pieces of betel leaves , washed clean in the container bowl . Brewed with hot water . Once the water is cold , ask the child to blink his eyes in the water .
12 . thrush
Take a ripe tomato , brewed with hot water and peel the skin . Puree the tomatoes with a spoon , strain and add a little sugar . Give children the tomato juice beverages .
13.Tak appetite
According Endah , the loss can be by the caused Nafu eating worms or something else like a cold . The fix , clean the leaves of Jatropha 1 , after it warmed Briefly on the lid of the pot . Give a smear of oil on the leaves and twisted , then paste the leaves above the navel son , who had previously been smeared with oil Telon .
When the age of the child is more than a year , try to give the herb 1 papaya leaf palms , knuckles Intersection 1 black / ireng , seruas fingers rotten tempeh ( soybean cake yesterday ) , and a little salt . All material is finely ground , then squeeze disposable cloth and insert it into the child 's mouth. " Efficacy of black meeting to remove the worm , while papaya leaves to add to their appetite , and tempeh bosok stamina or strength to his body .
To add to a child 's appetite may also potions : 1 knuckle of ginger , brown sugar , enough water , and a little salt , then boiled and filtered . Drinks in children 1-2 tablespoons a day .
14 . nosebleed
Betel leaf is washed twisted and stuffed into the child 's nose . For the treatment of the body do with the ingredients : 1/2 thumbs lote upas bulbs that are clean shredded and brewed with 1 cup hot water , then filtered , and after cold drunk to children plus a little honey .
15 . Lump from impact
Soak 1 tablespoon rice . Powder mashed together and give a little salt . After a smooth , paste it onto the bump section .
Could also be given ingredient : shredded garlic and herb given: grated garlic and honey were given , after roomates it was applied to the lump .
16 . sweat buntet
Frequently powdered starch .
17 . Congekan
Rinse 3 miana leaves or 7 leaves fresh samiloto or pink ginger , then finely crushed . Use a clean cloth and wring the water drops into the ear feelings . Do it twice a day , each with 3 drops .
18 . Panu
Two fingers Langkuas shredded red and given a little vinegar , smear - dab in the morning and afternoon or evening at the berpanu body part .
19 . Sores or ulcers head
Brotowali stem is cut by 5 fingers . Boiled with a little water , apply on the head .
Could also be given herb : brotowali leaves , turmeric and a little grated finely ground salt . Apply to the head . May also only with turmeric alone .
20 . sore teeth
Grated garlic , add a little salt , then stopper to the aching tooth Because of the holes .
21 . bitten by mosquitoes
Eliminate bite marks with a bitter plant Knead and rubbed into the bite portion . If nobody can use citronella oil bitter .
22 . asthma
Ten garlic cloves grated , plus 1 cup honey , then steamed . Give the child as much as 1 teaspoon , twice a day . It could also , 10 cloves of grated garlic , 1 ounce of sugar cubes , boiled with 1 cup water .
23 . Wound - bleeding Wounds
Rinse guava leaves or leaf bandotan , then Knead . Tapelkan on the wound . Blood will stop soon .
24 . poisoned
Young green coconut water drink 3 times a day 1/4 cup .
25 . Urticaria or chilblains
Telon body smeared with oil , eucalyptus oil or oil wasps . To drink potions : 1 finger of ginger cut into pieces , put a little brown sugar , and salt with 1 cup of boiling water . Strain and cool when already drunk 3 times a day 1/4 cup
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