Enteric disease is a disease that attacks the human digestive tract, especially the colon. Therefore, in addition advisable to get plenty of rest, patients with this disease are also forbidden to eat foods that contain lots of fiber and rough. If it is violated, it will cause more severe intestinal work, so that will add to severe illness.

To cure this disease, look for leaves nasty shard, which is a kind of soft stemmed plants that often grow on bushes.

As for how to make the potion is:

1. Pluck the strings skillfully kejibeling the fresh leaves roughly 20 sheets.

2. Then wash clean, then boil with 2 liters of clean water to a boil.

3. When it boils, let it first until approximately 4 hours. Then remove from the fire and let cool.

4. Drink this mixture to the patient every day 2 times, in the morning and afternoon. When done regularly, insha Allah, the disease will be cured.

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